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Ecommerce PPC Management Mistakes to Avoid

ecommerce ppc management, pay per click boca raton, ppc tips, digital marketing tips

Last Updated on October 26, 2023

Ecommerce PPC management is essential for any business with a website that sells products or services.

For example, $190.5 billion is the projected amount that would be spent on search advertising globally in 2024.

With that amount of money, it is safe to say that there are a lot of businesses fighting for placements and results by hiring an ecommerce PPC agency or having a manager internally to ensure their PPC campaigns are optimized for the best results.

In this blog, we will go over some of the most common ecommerce PPC management mistakes, common FAQs, and key factors to consider.

Common Ecommerce PPC Management Mistakes

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When it comes to pay-per-click ads, there are a few different platforms where you could exercise ecommerce PPC management best practices. Of those platforms, some of the most popular ones are Google Ads, Facebook, and Amazon.

Each platform allows ecommerce businesses to get their products, services, and brands in front of potential customers based on actions they’ve taken online. Whether that means searching for a specific service on Google search or looking for a favorite product on Amazon, maybe they engaged with certain pages or posts on Facebook/Instagram – PPC ads provide companies with the best cost-effective ways to advertise. It is all about knowing your audience.

That brings us to the first common mistake in ecommerce PPC management, lack of research.

Lack of Research

Before taking action on any marketing campaign, you should always conduct proper research.

Businesses should know the target audience of their products or services to create the best PPC strategy.

For example, in August 2022, the average Instagram user was between the 18 to 29-year age range.

So if a business has a target audience in that age range, Instagram would make the most sense to market on.

Businesses that don’t take the time to research their audience, and competitors waste time and money on PPC.

Not Understanding PPC vs. SEO

Many people often confuse PPC and SEO with one another. Both can generate results based on a user’s search intent. However, knowing the difference between the two can save time and money for any business.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing both the quality and quantity of organic traffic to your website.

Pay-per-click (PPC) is an online advertising model which serves ads to users and only charges when a user clicks on it.

Ideally, an ecommerce website should be utilizing both PPC and SEO strategies to maximize the potential and reach of their website.

If a business has a new website, using PPC will generate traffic quicker. However, it should not be relied upon as the sole strategy for driving traffic.

For example, if a business only relied on PPC for its website traffic, the moment the campaign was off – the website traffic would be gone.

SEO best practices would gradually increase the visibility of your website on search engines, such as Google. This is why running both PPC and SEO at the same time is the best strategy for online growth.

No Tracking & Attribution

If you’re serving PPC ads, ensuring that tracking is set up and functioning correctly is extremely important; otherwise, you’re wasting money.

The most popular tracking tool that businesses use is Google Analytics. Google Analytics 4 and Google Ads are able to be easily synched, thus providing fast insights into the metrics that you care about.

Without tracking, it will be hard to manage PPC campaigns. You will not be able to know if your ads are converting, or where the users are exiting from your landing page for example.

Google recently upgraded its analytics properties from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4. If you previously were using Universal Analytics to track your website’s performance but haven’t migrated to GA4, our experts have created a FREE GA4 Migration Checklist to ensure a smooth transition.

Lack of Analysis

One of the main keys to PPC management, whether through a PPC agency or an internal PPC manager, is being able to analyze the data within the campaign to make necessary real-time optimizations.

One of the worst things a marketer can do is “setting and forgetting” when it comes to PPC campaigns. Though platforms such as Google are starting to lean towards their Smart Bidding campaign types that rely on AI to optimize for conversions, manual campaign bidding types allow for better manual management.

Once you’ve launched a pay-per-click campaign, it’s important to check it daily for potential optimizations that you can make. Also, ensure that the campaign isn’t negatively impacting your ROI through higher CPCs, CPAs, etc.

If you’re currently running PPC ads and don’t have the time or resources to best audit your PPC account, we’re offering a FREE PPC Audit by our experts.

Lack of Landing Pages

A successful PPC campaign relies heavily upon a quality landing page experience for the user.

A landing page should be very simple, related to your offer from the PPC ad, and optimized to drive the action you’re wanting the user to take – emphasizing a clear CTA.

Often businesses will only send their paid traffic to a general landing page and lose the conversion of the user because they’re confused about where to navigate, confused if they clicked the right link, etc.

Monitoring a user’s journey after clicking your PPC ads is a great place to start if you’re not seeing the conversions you’re hoping for.

Ecommerce PPC Management Common FAQs

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Below is a recap of some of what we’ve discussed already, as well as, common frequently asked questions about PPC management.

What is the best way to manage ecommerce PPC effectively?

  • Ensure you’re targeting the right keywords, audiences, and networks
  • Do competitive research for your products or services
  • Optimize your product and service landing pages
  • Pay attention to the data metrics of your campaign and ads
  • Ensure all tracking and attribution are working accurately

What are the 4 C’s of PPC in digital marketing?

  • Customer
  • Cost
  • Convenience
  • Communication

Is PPC the same as paid search?

In short, “paid search” is a term that refers to any ad that is placed on search engine results pages (SERPs). “PPC” is the model in which advertisers only pay for ads that are clicked on by a user. PPC ads are the most popular model in paid search advertising.

What is the downside of ecommerce PPC advertising?

PPC advertising is not free. It requires a budget and time to be invested in the setup of the campaign, including research, and optimizations from daily monitoring.

What is better SEO or PPC?

This all comes down to the goals you’re trying to achieve. If you’re looking for short-term traffic to your website, PPC is a good strategy. If you want to increase your business’s online presence, SEO is your best bet. For the best results, utilizing both PPC and SEO is where you’ll see the most success.

Choosing the Right Ecommerce PPC Management Service

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When it comes to optimizing your Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns for success, HAVOK Consulting will prove to be the ideal partner for you and your business. With a proven track record in ecommerce PPC management, HAVOK offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the unique needs of your business.

Our expert team not only understands the intricacies of managing PPC campaigns but also recognizes the nuances specific to the ecommerce landscape.

We ensure meticulous planning and execution for every facet of your campaign, from keyword research to ad copy optimization. As a trusted partner, HAVOK Consulting focuses on delivering measurable results, enhancing your ROI, and driving increased conversions. Choose HAVOK to harness the power of strategic PPC management that propels your ecommerce venture toward unrivaled success. Schedule a FREE consultation today.

Don’t forget to utilize a FREE PPC audit today for those who are currently running PPC ads.


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Avoidable ecommerce mistakes often hinder PPC success. By arming yourself with the knowledge of these common pitfalls and taking proactive measures to sidestep them, you’re already ahead of the curve. Remember that effective ecommerce PPC management demands a detailed understanding of your audience, strategic keyword targeting, and compelling ad copy.

Steer clear of the traps such as neglecting local PPC management, overlooking affordable PPC solutions, or falling for inexperienced agencies promising quick fixes. Instead, commit to a proactive approach, constantly analyzing your data, optimizing your strategies, and seeking expert guidance when needed. Through continuous learning and adaptation, you can transform these challenges into stepping stones toward elevated click-through rates, improved conversion rates, and ultimately, a thriving Ecommerce enterprise.

We also provide other Free business resources that we encourage you to take advantage of:

Free SEO Overview Report

Free Google Analytics 4 Migration Checklist

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